Masters of Mutanite - FAQ and Clarifications
Frequently Asked Questions
Are trait effects optional?
Yes. For example, if you have Super Swimming but you don’t want to put water in your zone and you don’t want to dash, you don’t have to use it.Can damage from Frostbite, Spike Skin, or Kraken Call be prevented or reacted to?
No. They don’t count as attacks.How does the “Repeat this card” Boost work on Death Ray and Four Arm Fury?
By paying the Mutanite cost to Boost the card, you are repeating the effects of the card again against the same target. You may keep repeating it as long as you have the right amount of Mutanite to spend. The target is not allowed to react to a repeated effect because you haven’t played a new card, you’re simply repeating the same card’s effects.Can I react to my opponent’s card AFTER they’ve decided to Boost it?
No. You must react right when that attack first starts targeting you. Your opponent can always wait to see if you react before deciding to Boost.What if I react to an attack, but I have Camouflage or Stone Skin that say the “first attack targeting you”, does the next attack count as the first?
Yes. Because you reacted to the first attack and canceled its effect, the first one that actually hits you will be counted for Camouflage or Stone Skin.What happens if I intend to use a “Once on your turn” trait effect on my attack (such as Hot Hands), but the attack is canceled by a reaction? Is the trait “used up”?
No, it is not used up — your attack never successfully resolved. If you play another attack this turn, you may apply the trait effect to that attack.What happens if you play a reaction to an attack but you can’t actually reach your target? (Pyrokinesis, Telekinesis)
The attack is canceled, but the reaction likely has no effect because it’s trying to reach an illegal target. For example, if you play Freezing Rain to react to a Telekinesis but your opponent is several zones away, it won’t hit them, because it’s a ranged attack. However, if you react to Pyrokinesis when you’re in the same zone as your opponent, that effect WILL work because it does not depend on your opponent’s location.In 4-player, what happens if you run out of life in your Play Phase? (e.g. if an opponent’s reaction took you to 0 life)
Your Play Phase ends. However, you still proceed with the Mutanite and End phases as normal. This way, if you take half your teammate’s life at the start of your next turn, you’ll be ready with a hand of cards.In 4-player, what is the status of a player with 0 life?
Players with 0 life are considered knocked out. They can’t be targeted, and they don’t block enemies from using Pick Up in that zone.
Power Clarifications
Bubble Shield
”Move” does not count as a dash. Also, it is not affected by Frost.Cleanse
All the following are legal uses of Cleanse:
- Removing 5 Frost cards from you
- Removing 3 Poison cards from your discard pile, 1 Frost card from you, and 1 Water from your zone
- Removing 2 Fire and 1 Water from your zone
- Removing nothing (perhaps for Healing Factor)Elasticity
”Move another player” does not count as that player dashing.
On a different note, if you use Elasticity to dash to any zone, it is not affected by Frost.Freezing Rain
Damage is calculated for EACH Frost your target receives - this can be vicious!Super Speed
The card you draw is from your deck.Teleport
You may dash to any zone, even if you have Frost.
You must dash to a new zone, you can’t stay in the zone you’re in.
Trait Clarifications
The card you draw is from your deck.Camouflage
Ex: If Jack is in a zone with 1 tree and Jill is throwing a barrel at Jack as her first ranged attack, Jack would receive a Poison card due to the barrel, but reduce its damage from 1 to 0 because of Camouflage.Dragon Eyes
The fire can’t be added to an attack that throws a car. For example, if you use Poison Pitch to throw a car, the car’s [1 damage + fire] effects get plugged into that throw icon, so the car’s fire prevents Dragon Eyes from being able to add fire to the attack.Healing Factor
This will not activate if you discard your Cleanse. You have to play it.High Voltage
The extra damage counts for EACH electrical attack you do, so if you zap your target 3 times, you’ll do an extra 6 damage.Stone Skin
Ex: Jill has Stunt Rider. Jack has Stone Skin. Jill dashes into Jack’s zone with an ice cream truck, hitting him with a melee attack of “Frost.” Jack would receive 1 damage from the Frost (he didn’t have any Frost previously), but his Stone Skin reduces it to 0 damage. Jack still keeps the Frost card in front of him, as Stone Skin does not prevent that.Stunt Rider
You can bring a car or ice cream truck with you even if it wouldn’t hit anyone in that zone. (Stunt Rider tries to resolve the melee attack only when you arrive in the new zone.)Super Swimming
You may dash from anywhere to a zone that has water, even if you have Frost.Telekinesis
Telekinesis does not give you EXTRA throws, it augments one of your throws on your turn to choose an object from anywhere as if you were in that zone throwing it at an adjacent zone. If you have Super Strength and Telekinesis, that will further augment the throw, allowing you to throw an object from any zone to any zone (but it still must move to a new zone).